Diabetic Foot
Foot Ulcer Classification

Meggitt Wagnar Classification
Grade 0: High risk foot (Neuropathy & Ischemia), No ulcer
Grade 1: Superficial Ulcer, No infection
Grade 2: Deep Ulcer, Cellulitis
Grade 3: Deep Ulcer, Bone Involvement or Abcess Formation
Grade 4: Localised Gangrene (Toe forfeit or heel)
Grade 5: Gangrene of the whole foot

Stages of the Ulcer & what happens next (prognosis)
Stage A: No infection – No Ischemia
Stage B: Infection Present
Stage C: Ischemia Present
Stage D: Ischemia & Infection Present

Infection may begin superficially in an ulcer or crack in the skin but depending on the organism involved, it can spread in deep tissues of the foot including tenders & bones.

Organism Involved:
Superficial infection: staphylococcus / streptococcus aureus
Deep infection: Anerobe, Aerobe
These infections can be limb threatening or non threatening

Symptoms in limb threatening infection:
Fever, weakness,
Raised WBC, Blood Sugar & ESR
Cellulites up to ankle & above

Diabetic Foot
This may not be far off,
'if ignored'