Diabetic Foot
Statistics Speaks in Diabetic Foot

33% of the diabetic people are at the risk of developing foot Ulcer.

16% will definitely develop Foot Ulcer. The prevalence of amputation in Type 2 (non insulin dependant) diabetic patients is 3%

30% of the diabetics get admitted for diabetic foot. And number of days spent by these patients in hospitals, are more than the days spent due to all other complications.

Of the total lower limb amputations, 85% are due to Diabetic Foot.

Put feet first: Prevent Amputation was the slogan for World Diabetics Day 2005.

India will bet the capital of Diabetics in the 2025. Figure will jam 25 millions to 57 millions 2025.

In India most of the foot problems are associated with Neuropathy & Infective rather than Vascular. The prevalence of foot complications such as Neuropathy is 15%, Peripheral Vascular disease 5% & infections 7.6%. As per our studies Foot Pressure changes occur in 25% of diabetics.

In India, 55% of Foot Ulcers are Neuropathic (nerve involvement), 35% are Neuroischaemic & 10% are Ischaemic (Blood Vessels Involvement)

Every 30 seconds a Diabetic patient somewhere in the world looses lower limb as a direct result of Diabetes

One ulcerated Diabetic is 58 time more likely to re ulcerate

5% Diabetics anticipate Foot Ulcer in one year

Papanas et al 2007 identified that people with diabetic foot lesions (wound) and renal diseases have increased risk of 6.5 to 10 times that of people with Diabetic Foot lesions alone.

Diabetic Foot
This may not be far off,
'if ignored'