Diabetic Foot
For Doctors - 07

Long-term outcome of successful percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of the fibular artery in
    diabetic foot syndrome and single-vessel calf perfusion depends on doppler wave pattern at the forefoot.

   Hering J, Angelkort B, Keck N, Wilde J, Amann B., Evangelisches Krankenhaus Unna, Germany.

Background: In the diabetic foot syndrome (DFS) due to peripheral artery disease, the fibular artery is often the only vessel which can be revascularised. Because the fibular artery does not have a direct connection to the plantar arch, the clinical result of fibular artery PTA is dependent upon the extent of collateralization at the ankle. Therefore, successful PTA of the fibular artery with resulting biphasic doppler waves at the ankle can lead to either biphasic or monophasic post-occlusive doppler wave patterns at the forefoot. We evaluated prospectively the association of the forefoot doppler wave form on long-term clinical outcome in patients with DFS after successful PTA of the fibular artery. Patients and methods: 44 patients with occluded calf vessels and DFS Wagner 2-4 underwent primary successful fibular artery PTA resulting in biphasic ankle doppler wave. According to doppler wave form at the forefoot, patients were divided into 1) a biphasic or 2) a monophasic group. Up to 45 months, we documented doppler wave forms, clinical course, restenosis, reinterventions, wound healing, major- and minor amputations. Results: PTA resulted in a biphasic doppler wave at the forefoot in 26 (59 %), in 18 (41 %) in a monophasic wave pattern. Biphasic forefoot doppler wave was strongly correlated with longer event-free survival (35 bi- vs. 5.5 months monophasic, p = 0.0018) and complete wound healing (69 % s bi- vs. 44 % vs. monophasic p = 0.0309). Major amputations: 2 / 26 (8 %) in the biphasic and in 3 / 18 (17 %) in the monophasic group. Second revascularisation procedures were more often necessary in the monophasic group (7 / 18 (39 % vs. 2 / 26 (8 %)). Conclusion: After successful PTA of the fibular artery, monophasic doppler wave patterns at the forefoot denote insufficient collateralization and are associated with poor outcome. If successful fibular artery PTA results only in monophasic forefoot doppler, additional crural or pedal bypass should be strongly contemplated.

Diabetic Foot
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